Beam Delivery Report

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22:29, 7 April 2009 (PDT)

In case you're wondering: We're trying to come up with a way to give an overview of the current and near-term state of beam delivery at the lab. The ISAC and MCR logs are great for record-keeping, but they're not well-suited to looks into the future. What we want to do is provide staff and experimenters with a sort of "weather report" for the next few days so that they know not only what's going on, but what we're hoping to accomplish from a beam delivery standpoint.

The format will change as we figure out what we actually need to post. In the meantime, feel free to forward comments.


21:56, 7 April 2009 (PDT)

Right now, the cyclotron is delivering 40 µA to ISAC and < 1µA to PIF. There's no maintenance scheduled for tomorrow, so things should continue like this through the weekend.

At ISAC, 11Be is being delivered to β-NMR for a polarizer test. Sophia is setting up the accelerators with 20Ne for this weekend's TIGRESS 10Be run. Tomorrow should be more of the same, with stable beam tuning through the TIGRESS vacuum chamber in the afternoon or evening. We'll switch to delivering 10Be to TIGRESS on Thursday.
